Open Graph Protocol

A simple guide to Open Graph Protocol, its tags, and best practices for effective implementation.


In the dynamic landscape of the web, content sharing plays a pivotal role in driving user engagement. Open Graph Protocol (OGP) emerges as a crucial standard for enhancing how content is presented when shared on social media platforms.

Introduction to Open Graph Protocol

Open Graph Protocol is a set of meta tags that allows you to control how your content appears when shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. It provides a standardized way to define metadata for web pages, ensuring a consistent and compelling presentation when shared.

Why OGP?

  • Richer Content Previews: OGP enables you to specify images, titles, descriptions, and other metadata, ensuring that shared links have visually appealing and informative previews.

  • Improved Visibility: Social media platforms prioritize content with Open Graph metadata, increasing the likelihood of your content being prominently featured.

OG Meta Tags

Basic Tags

  • og:title: Specifies the title of the shared content.

    <meta property="og:title" content="Your Page Title" />
  • og:type: Describes the type of your content (e.g., website, article, video).

    <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
  • og:url: Provides the canonical URL of the page.

    <meta property="og:url" content="" />
  • og:image: Specifies the URL of the image to be displayed with the content.

    <meta property="og:image" content="" />
  • og:description: Offers a concise description of the content.

      content="A brief description of your content."

Additional Tags

  • og:site_name: Indicates the name of the site or app.

    <meta property="og:site_name" content="Your Site Name" />
  • og:locale: Specifies the locale for the content.

    <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
  • og:video and og:audio: For specifying video and audio content.

    <meta property="og:video" content="" />
  • article Tags: Additional tags for articles.

    <meta property="article:author" content="Sarthak S Kumar" />
    <meta property="article:published_time" content="2023-01-01T12:00:00Z" />
    <meta property="article:modified_time" content="2023-01-02T15:30:00Z" />

Best Practices

  1. Complete Information: Fill out as many relevant Open Graph tags as possible to provide comprehensive information for content previews.

  2. Optimal Image Size: Ensure that the og:image is at least 1200 x 630 pixels for optimal display on various platforms.

  3. Dynamic Content: Use server-side logic to generate dynamic Open Graph tags based on the content being shared.

  4. Testing Tools: Use Open Graph debugging tools provided by social media platforms to preview and troubleshoot how your content will appear when shared.

OG and SEO

Open Graph and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) go hand in hand. While Open Graph tags are primarily for social media, search engines may also consider them in determining the relevance and presentation of content.

  • Consistent Messaging: Align Open Graph metadata with your page's content and meta tags for a consistent user experience.

  • SEO-Friendly Descriptions: Craft compelling descriptions that are both user-friendly and optimized for search engines.


Implementing the Open Graph Protocol is an essential step toward optimizing how your content appears across social media platforms. By leveraging Open Graph tags effectively, you enhance the visibility, shareability, and overall user experience of your web content. Stay informed about updates to the protocol and adapt your strategy to evolving best practices in the ever-changing landscape of the digital realm.