Some articles from my personal notes.
- Conventional Commits Readmegitgithub
Conventional Commits is a spec for adding readable meanings to commit messages.
- Only One Parent Element in JSXreactfrontendinterfacesweb
JSX can only return one parent element. This short explains why and how to solve it.
- Open Graph Protocolwebseo
A simple guide to Open Graph Protocol, its tags, and best practices for effective implementation.
- React Snippetsreactfrontend
React Snippets for VSCode
- Revisiting Websocketswebbackend
A better approach to real-time communication, low-latency and bidirectional data exchange.
- Schema Markupseoweb
Schema Markups help provide search engines with additional context about your web pages
- Secure Shell (SSH) Explainednetworks
SSH (Secure Shell) is a widely-used protocol for secure communication over a network.
- Set up Apache Spark on Ubuntu 22+big datalinuxbash
An easy guide to installing Apache Spark 3.5.1 on Ubuntu 22+
- TS/JS: The Syntactical Difftypescriptjavascriptwebfrontend
A quick look at the syntactical differences between TypeScript and JavaScript.
- TypeScript: Type Vs Interfacetypescriptfrontendweb
Explains how to choose between type and interface in TypeScript.
- Understanding JWTsecuritynetworksbackend
How authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT) works
- Vite.js-React Vs CRAreactwebfrontend
Vite.js Vs Create React App (CRA): A Comparative Analysis